Dallas Flies, Ph.D.   |   Vice President, Discovery Research

Dr. Flies has been working in the field of immunology for 20 years. He has extensive experience in both theory and bench research in basic immunology, cancer biology, autoimmunity and transplantation.  Dr. Flies joined NextCure in April of 2016.  During this time, he has headed the effort to develop and implement the discovery screening platform to identify novel disease therapeutics.  He also plays a central role in basic understanding of novel targets and translational development.  Prior to NextCure, Dr. Flies spent his career in academic research including time with Dr. Lieping Chen, co-founder of NextCure, beginning in 1997 as a lab manager at Mayo Clinic where he also received an M.S. in Immunology.  In 2002, Dr. Flies moved to Johns Hopkins and worked with Drs. Drew Pardoll and Charles Drake and received his Ph.D. in 2010 under the co-mentorship of Drs. Lieping Chen and Drew Pardoll.  In 2010, Dr. Flies continued studies in immunology, initiated during his Ph.D. studies, with Dr. Chen at Yale University.  Most recently, Dr. Flies studied novel immune cell subsets, and mechanisms of immune suppression and activation, in the context of ovarian cancer at the University of New Mexico. • Michael Richman
President & CEO

• Timothy Mayer, Ph.D.

• Steven P. Cobourn, CPA

• Sol Langermann, Ph.D.

• Udayan Guha, M.D., Ph.D.

• Kevin Shaw
General Counsel

• Sourav Kundu, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President, Development & Manufacturing

• Sebastien Maloveste, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President, Business Development

• Dallas Flies, Ph.D.
Vice President, Discovery Research

• Yvon Joseph
Vice President, Quality Assurance